Statistics show that your website is likely your customer’s first impression of your brand, product, or company. It is essential to keep your site upgraded based on your best interest. In this post, we discuss 6 reasons to upgrade your website.
Nowadays, if you have a product and you are not online, then you’re not in the game. And if you have a website that was last updated in 2010 is not doing you much good today. An upgrade may mean a new site, but in some cases just mean fixing up and updating what you already have. Here TechAid24 has listed reasons why you should upgrade your website:
1. Your website got a new purpose
Once your business marketing strategy has changed, it may take time to change your website to match the new strategy. For example, at the time that you built your site, your goal may have been to just provide product information. Now, your goal may sell and increase your business. In order to keep your website relevant, you should change your website navigation and contents to match your new goals.
Did you know that 78% of Consumers believe that the posts and paid advertisements made by companies on Social Media platforms Influence their Purchases? These conversations that are had on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest are beneficial to your website visitors as well. If your website isn’t social enough, you’re missing the perks of attracting your clients. Smart use of social media can help to get your new potential leads, and existing clients’ communications and give you more opportunities to improve customer care.
3. Your website is not capturing sales leads
When a user visits your website, this is your chance to let them by the hand and give them a tour of your brand, products, and services. If your website doesn’t provide them that what they want then you may be missing opportunities to filter users into your sales prospects. You should create opportunities for your visitors to sign up for an email newsletter, watch a video, view products & services or browse with the call to action implementations.
4. Your Website is not user-friendly and mobile-friendly
If someone can’t able to figure out, how to use your website navigation, why should they even visit or come back to your website? And if your website doesn’t work well with all browsers on the mobile device, or if you don’t have a mobile version of your website, you are missing as much as 27% of your website traffic, according to Smart insights.
5. Your website loads slowly
If your website loads take more time, people are leaving your website without even scrolling your site. 47% of visitors expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less and a 1-second delay in load times can affect customer conversions by 7.
6 . Your website is out of date and needs to be updated to look more professional
If your website looks out of date, then your customers guess that your business is also out of the update. So it’s time to update your website with new trends in graphics design and updated CMS.
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The article was published on October 29, 2019 @ 8:40 PM
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