In this article, we want to share how to convert number to Bangladeshi taka in excel easily and earlier than writing phrases manually. like as, you write the number ‘123’. However, now you do not want to type to MS Excel manually. Whatever you wish to convert number to Bangladeshi taka (Taka One Hundred Twenty Three), you need to use this function: =BangladeshiTaka (Required cell). You want to follow these steps first:

  1. Create a new excel file first
  2. Press Alt + F11, to open Microsoft Visual Basic (or go to View -> Module)
  3. The Microsoft Visual Basic to the Insert menu levels to Module Click on.
  4. Copy the written down code to avoid wasting time.
  5. Save the code and close Microsoft Visual Editor.

How to use: Suppose, you write the desired number (123) as cell A1 and you want to convert this number in cell A2. Then you should use the formula in cell A2 as like =BangladeshiTaka(A1).

We think, now you can easily convert numbers to Bangladeshi taka using this formula. If you face any difficulty, then you are welcome to contact us.

Easily Convert number to Bangladeshi Taka in excel, windows 11 feature Microsoft Excel

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