Are you trying to learn or get started on software development with ASP.Net Core?? Open source projects are great for getting started and serve as a good source for architecture reference. There are several open-source ASP.NET Core projects available on GitHub.

These projects will help you learn ASP.NET Core technology in-depth, with different types of architecture and coding patterns. Some of the top real-time applications or sample architecture reference projects across different categories are listed in this article. Awesome useful .NET Projects on GitHub — Most popular .NET Projects to get practical knowledge.



nopCommerce is the most popular and one of the best open-source eCommerce shopping cart solutions based on ASP.NET Core that contains both a catalog frontend and an administration tool backend.

Using the latest Microsoft technologies, it provides high performance, stability, and security. It is also fully compatible with Azure and web farms. nopCommerce architecture follows well-known software patterns and the best security practices. Pluggable and clear architecture makes it easy to develop custom functionality and follow any business requirements. Download nopCommerce

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GrandNode is the most advanced free, open source, fast, headless, multi-tenant eCommerce platform built with the newest version of .NET Core, MongoDB, AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, and Vue.js.

It is an intuitive e-Commerce platform that enables the flexible development of online stores. It supports various business models such as B2B, B2C, Multi-Store, Multi-Vendor, Multi-Tenant, Multi-Language, and Multi-Currency. Advanced personalization, scalability, speed, and high efficiency — these are features that effectively support your e-business management. Download GrandNode.

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A simple, cross-platform, modularized e-commerce system built on .NET Core. Download SimpleCommerce.

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Virto Commerce is an open-source platform for extensible e-commerce applications. Complex digital commerce solutions for B2B, B2C or B2B2C businesses, marketplaces and derived SaaS commerce platforms. Virto Commerce architecture was designed on principles: microservices, API-first, cloud-native, headless, and advanced extensibility. Download VirtoCommerce.

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Blog Website


A full-featured yet simple blog engine built on ASP.NET Core. Download Miniblog.

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Blogifier is an open-source publishing platform Written in .NET and Blazor WebAssembly. With Blogifier you can make a multi-author or a personal blog and a powerful website. Right now it can be used as a personal or group blog, and more features are under development. Download Blogifier.

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Architecture Styles and Patterns


Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container-based application that runs on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Powered by .NET 6, Docker Containers, Azure Kubernetes Services and it supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI-based environments.

The architecture proposes a microservice-oriented architecture implementation with multiple autonomous microservices (each one owning its own data/db) and implementing different approaches within each microservice (simple CRUD vs. DDD/CQRS patterns) using HTTP as the communication protocol between the client apps and the microservices and supports asynchronous communication for data updates propagation across multiple services based on Integration Events and an Event Bus (a light message broker, to choose between RabbitMQ or Azure Service Bus, underneath) plus other features defined at the roadmap. Download eShopOnContainers.

Clean Architecture By Ardalis

Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core. Clean Architecture is just the latest in a series of names for the same loosely-coupled, dependency-inverted architecture. You will also find it named hexagonalports-and-adapters, or onion architecture. Download CleanArchitecture (ardalis).

Clean Architecture By Jason Taylor

Clean Architecture solution template for .NET 6. This is a solution template for creating a Single Page App (SPA) with Angular and ASP.NET Core following the principles of Clean Architecture. Create a new project based on this template by installing and running the associated NuGet package. Download CleanArchitecture (jasontaylordev).

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.Net WebAPI Boilerplate

.NET Web API Boilerplate is a Clean Architecture Template for .NET 6.0 WebApi built with Multi-tenancy Support.

The goal of this repository is to provide a complete and feature-rich starting point for any .NET developer/team to kick-start their next major project using .NET 6 Web API. This also serves the purpose of learning advanced concepts and implementations such as Multitenancy, CQRS, Onion Architecture, Clean Coding standards, and so on. Download DotNet_WebAPI_Boilerplate.

Architecture By Rafaelfgx

.NET 6, ASP.NET Core 6, Entity Framework Core 6, C# 10, Angular 13, Clean Code, SOLID, and DDD. This project is an example of architecture using new technologies and best practices. The goal is to share knowledge and use it as a reference for new projects. Download Architecture (Rafaelfgx).

ABP Framework

ABP Framework is an Open Source web application framework and it offers an opinionated architecture to build enterprise software solutions with best practices on top of the .NET and the ASP.NET Core platforms.

It provides the fundamental infrastructure, production-ready startup templates, modules, themes, tooling, guides, and documentation to implement that architecture properly and automate the details and repetitive work as much as possible. Download ABP Framework.

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Modular Monolith With DDD

Full modular Monolith .NET application with Domain-Driven Design approach. Download Modular-Monolith-With-DDD

Sample .Net Core CQRS API

Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture. Download Sample_DotNet_Core_CQRS_API.

University Microservices

Implementing a “University” microservices application with .Net Core, Docker, RabbitMQ, CAP, gRPC, Ocelot API Gateway, Redis, PostgreSQL, SqlServer, Entity Framework Core, CQRS , DDD, and Clean Architecture implementation. Also includes Cross-Cutting concerns like Implementing Centralised Distributed Logging with Seq. Download University_Microservices.

.NET Samples-Examples

Practical Asp.Net Core

Practical samples of ASP.NET Core 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 5.0, and 6.0 projects you can use. The goal of this project is to enable .NET programmers to learn the new ASP.NET Core stack from the ground up directly from code. There is so much power in the underlying ASP.NET Core stack. Download Practical Asp.Net Core.


ASP.NET Core codebase was created to demonstrate a fully-fledged full-stack application built with ASP.NET Core (with Feature orientation) including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. Download Asp.Net Core RealWorld Example.

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Equinox Project

The Equinox Project is an open-source project written in .NET Core with DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing concepts. The goal of this project is to implement the most commonly used technologies and share with the technical community the best way to develop great applications with . NET. Download Equinox Project.

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.NET libraries, tools, frameworks, and roadmap

  1. A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks, and software. Download awesome-dotnet-core.
  2. A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks, and software. Download awesome-dotnet.
  3. Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2022. You can find a chart demonstrating the paths that you can take and the libraries that you would want to learn to become an ASP.NET Core developer. Download AspNetCore-Developer-Roadmap.
  4. A roadmap for .NET developers that want to focus on the backend and specifically work with microservices. Download .NET-Backend-Developer-Roadmap.
  5. A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for microservices in .NET. Download Awesome-Microservices-DotNet.
  6. Clean Code concepts and tools adapted for .NET. Download clean-code-dotnet
Top .NET (ASP.NET Core) Open Source Projects

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