First steps in the AngularUI Router? This AngularUI Router cheat sheet is filled with some handy tips, commands, and quick references to get you connected!
UI-Router Directives
ui-sref=”{ stateParam: value })“ |
ui-sref-active=”activeClass” Applies the class if the nearest ui-sref or a descendant state is active |
ui-sref-active-eq=”activeClass” Applies the class if the nearest ui-sref state is active |
ui-view=”viewName” |
<ui-view autoscroll=”condition”> Scroll into view on load |
UI-Router Filters
string | isState alias for $‘stateName’) |
string | includedByState alias for $state.includes(‘stateName’) |
UI-Router Events
$stateChangeSuccess Fired after completion |
$stateChangeError Fired on state resolution error USEFUL FOR DEBUGGING |
$stateChangeStart |
$stateNotFound |
$viewContentLoading |
$viewContentLoaded |
UI-Router Services
$state |
$stateParams contains current url params (tokens) as properties |
$stateProvider config only |
$urlRouterProvider config only |
$state Service
go(string, [params], [options]) alias for transitionTo() |
transitionTo(string, [params], [options]) ‘contact.detail’: go to ‘contact.detail’. ‘^’: go to parent. ‘^.sibling’: go to sibling. ‘.child.grandchild’: go to current state‘s [grand]child. |
reload() Force reload current state tree |
includes(string, [params]) {boolean} Specifies if passed state is currently active (ancestry) |
is(string, [params]) {boolean} Specifies if passed state is current (exact) |
href(string, [params], [options]) {string} |
get([string]) {object|array} Returns specified state or all states |
current {object} The current state object |
State Definition Object
url {string} Url’s are appended to parent states. Create tokens using “/:token” or using RegEx “/{token:[a-zA-Z0-9]}” |
template {string|function} String containing template HTML or injectable function that returns the string value. (ignored if using views option) |
templateUrl {string|function} String containing the path to HTML file or injectable function that returns the string value. (ignored if using views option) |
controller {string|function} String name of the controller or the controller function (ignored if using views option) |
abstract {boolean[false]} If you can $state.go() to this view directly |
onEnter {function} Resolved dependency injectable function. Can’t access $scope |
onExit {function} Resolved dependency injectable function. Can’t access $scope |
reloadOnSearch {boolean[true]} if false will not retrigger the same state when a query (search) parameter has changed. |
params {array} parameter names or regular expressions when no URL is present. |
views {object} controller and templates for specific views |
data {object} stores static configuration data |
resolve {object}
Creates injectable resources: { resourceName: function(dependencies){ return promise | data; }
AngularUI Router Cheat Sheet
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