What are HTTP status codes?
An HTTP status code is a server response to a browser’s request. When you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the site’s server, and the server then responds to the browser’s request with a three-digit code: the HTTP status code.
These status codes are the Internet equivalent of a conversation between your browser and the server. They communicate whether things between the two are A-okay, touch-and-go, or whether something is wrong. The first digit of each three-digit status code begins with one of five numbers, 1 through 5; you may see this expressed as 1xx or 5xx to indicate status codes in that range. Each of those ranges encompasses a different class of server response.
Common HTTP status code classes:
- 1xxs – Informational responses: The server is thinking through the request.
- 2xxs – Success! The request was successfully completed and the server gave the browser the expected response.
- 3xxs – Redirection: You got redirected somewhere else. The request was received, but there’s a redirect of some kind.
- 4xxs – Client errors: Page not found. The site or page couldn’t be reached. (The request was made, but the page isn’t valid — this is an error on the website’s side of the conversation and often appears when a page doesn’t exist on the site.)
- 5xxs – Server errors: Failure. A valid request was made by the client but the server failed to complete the request.
1xx: HTTP Informational Codes
Code |
Description |
100 |
Continue |
101 |
Switching Protocols |
102 |
Processing WebDAV |
103 |
Checkpoint draft POST PUT |
122 |
Request-URI too long IE7 |
2xx: HTTP Successful Codes
Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
201 |
Created |
202 |
Accepted |
203 |
Non-Authoritative Information 1.1 |
204 |
No Content |
205 |
Reset Content |
206 |
Partial Content |
207 |
Multi-Status WebDAV 4918 |
208 |
Already Reported WebDAV 5842 |
226 |
IM Used 3229 GET |
3xx: HTTP Redirection Codes
Code |
Description |
300 |
Multiple Choices |
301 |
Moved Permanently |
302 |
Found |
303 |
See Other 1.1 |
304 |
Not Modified |
305 |
Use Proxy 1.1 |
306 |
Switch Proxy unused |
307 |
Temporary Redirect 1.1 |
308 |
Permanent Redirect 7538 |
307 and 308 are similar to 302 and 301, but the new request method after redirect must be the same, as on the initial request.
4xx: HTTP Client Error Code
Code |
Description |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Unauthorized |
402 |
Payment Required res |
403 |
Forbidden |
404 |
Not Found |
405 |
Method Not Allowed |
406 |
Not Acceptable |
407 |
Proxy Authentication Required |
408 |
Request Timeout |
409 |
Conflict |
410 |
Gone |
411 |
Length Required |
412 |
Precondition Failed |
413 |
Request Entity Too Large |
414 |
Request-URI Too Long |
415 |
Unsupported Media Type |
416 |
Requested Range Not Satisfiable |
417 |
Expectation Failed |
418 |
I’m a teapot 2324 |
422 |
Unprocessable Entity WebDAV 4918 |
423 |
Locked WebDAV 4918 |
424 |
Failed Dependency WebDAV 4918 |
425 |
Unordered Collection 3648 |
426 |
Upgrade Required 2817 |
428 |
Precondition Required draft |
429 |
Too Many Requests draft |
431 |
Request Header Fields Too Large draft |
444 |
No Response nginx |
449 |
Retry With MS |
450 |
Blocked By Windows Parental Controls MS |
451 |
Unavailable For Legal Reasons draft |
499 |
Client Closed Request nginx |
5xx: HTTP Server Error Codes
Code |
Description |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
501 |
Not Implemented |
502 |
Bad Gateway |
503 |
Service Unavailable |
504 |
Gateway Timeout |
505 |
HTTP Version Not Supported |
506 |
Variant Also Negotiates 2295 |
507 |
Insufficient Storage WebDAV 4918 |
508 |
Loop Detected WebDAV 5842 |
509 |
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded nostd |
510 |
Not Extended 2774 |
511 |
Network Authentication Required draft |
598 |
Network read timeout error nostd |
599 |
Network connect timeout error nostd |
WebDAV |
WebDAV extension |
1.1 |
HTTP/1.1 |
For these methods only |
IE |
IE extension |
MS |
MS extension |
nginx |
nginx extension |
2518, 2817, 2295, 2774, 3229, 4918, 5842 |
RFC number |
draft |
Proposed draft |
nostd |
Non standard extension |
res |
Reserved for future use |
unused |
No more in use, deprecated |
Wikipedia was used to produce all HTTP status codes content: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_status
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